Updated 28/02/2025

Swim Studio Limited

Balham Swim School - Fulham Swim School
Sheen Swim School - St John’s Wood Swim School


We offer a free trial for your first lesson. A trial will only be offered once a suitable class has been found that matches your child’s age and ability and your availability. This allows you to visit for a full lesson and see our facilities. It also enables our swim coaches to check that this is the correct lesson for your child and if it isn’t, we will endeavour to find an alternative.

When a suitable lesson has been identified for you, we will provide a booking email with all the details that you will need for your visit. 

After your free trial lesson we will write to you to let you know if it is possible for your child to continue in the class and the full term’s fee (or pro rata to the classes remaining) will be payable at this point. If you prefer not to continue, no fee will be payable. 


After your free trial lesson we will book you in for the remaining sessions of the current term. No adjustment for classes you will miss due to holidays or prior arrangements is possible. An email will be provided giving all the information needed to create an account on our online system. This will enable you to follow your child's progress, pay term fees and update your contact details if necessary. Term fees should be paid in full before your first regular session. Payments are taken using the secure global payment system Stripe.
Payments are taken for returning customers in the same way and if you hold a credit for a cancelled lesson, this will be automatically deducted from your term fee.
Non payment of term fees will result in your child’s lesson space being cancelled.


Due to a very full timetable and our unique small class sizes, we aren't able to provide catch ups or refunds for missed lessons due to mild sickness, injury or holidays.
Please do not come to your swimming lesson if you and/or your child have any illness, such as: diarrhoea or vomiting, severe cold or flu, conjunctivitis, chickenpox or similar. You should wait for any symptoms to clear before returning and this should be at least 48 hours prior to your swimming lesson or when your doctor has given the all-clear. With chickenpox, you'll need to stay at home until all the spots have formed a scab. This is usually 5 days after the spots appeared. If your child has just a slight runny nose but feels happy and active, do come along to your swimming lesson unless your doctor has suggested otherwise. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or the NHS website.


If your child is unable to attend lessons for an extended period due to a serious illness, broken bone or similar injury, please contact us. You may be asked to provide a doctor’s note via email. We will provide a credit to your account for the value of the missed lessons that can be used in a subsequent term, but this must be within 6 months of the original booking. Please note that cash refunds will not be given. Credits are not offered for other reasons, such as non attendance due to holidays or mild illnesses. Credit notes are not transferable to any other person.


If your plans change and you wish to cancel a confirmed booking once the term has already started, no refund or credit will be offered. Our lessons are non-transferrable and cannot be transferred to another child.


In the unlikely event of us having to close the pool due to a mechanical problem or similar, we will alert you as soon as possible by email and if very short notice, by SMS message to your mobile. A credit will automatically be added to your account for the missed lesson. If you choose not to renew for the following term, the amount of credit you hold will be refunded to you.


At all of our swimming pools we insist on the “double nappy system” for babies and toddlers under 3 and any child not yet potty trained. This consists of a disposable Swim Nappy (for example Huggies Little Swimmers) that can be bought in supermarkets or chemists. Worn over the Swim Nappy are neoprene pants with a snug fit around the waist and legs, often known as a 'Happy Nappy'. We do not accept the use of the Happy Nappy Duo.

This double nappy system prevents any accidents leaking into the pool, which would cause the pool to be closed for cleaning. Please ask us if you need any guidance. 


If your child is swimming in a class independently (that is without an adult), we expect a Parent (or their Carer) to remain at the pool (in the waiting/viewing area) for the duration of your child's lesson. When collecting your child after their lesson, please ensure that you are visible and ready to collect your child on the half hour at the end of their class. You must ensure that the swim coach has seen your face and your child will be asked to point, to indicate their recognition of you. Please be visible at the window looking into the pool and wait for the coach to see you. Regardless of their age, your child will not leave the care of their swim coach until this has happened, so please be ready, so that the following class can start on time. 


All of our coaches are qualified to ASA/STA level 2 and above and hold a DBS and First Aid certificate.
We strive to provide the same swim coach for the duration of the term, as this is best for continuity and for children’s success and enjoyment of their lessons. However, swim coaches are occasionally unwell or have an urgent reason that they cannot attend and in that instance we always try to provide a cover coach where possible so that the lesson can go ahead. If this happens we will ensure the cover coach is fully appraised of each class and their ability and any special requirements. 
In the rare event that a coach needs to be changed permanently mid term, we will advise you by email. Credits / refunds cannot be issued in the event of your teacher changing or being substituted.
Please access the parent portal for up to date information on your child’s swim coach.


We have a front door entry system at every site, so you will need to input the correct code when you arrive. For the security of our coaches, swimmers, parents and belongings, please do not open the door to visitors. All booked swimmers are given the code via email and if forgotten, there are instructions on the door. Information for people enquiring about lessons is also on the outside of the door. 


As we do not have lockers, please leave valuables at home. All lost property is collected together and put in the waiting area, usually near the hairdryers. If your item is there, it should be waiting for you next week or feel free to pop in to look during lesson hours if you wish.


At least four weeks before the end of term you will be contacted by us with information about next term, including dates and prices. As we have many families on our waiting list, we ask you to respond quickly with details of whether your child is able to continue swimming. If we do not hear back from you by the allotted date, we will assume you do not wish to continue and your child’s lesson time will be offered to others.


Swim Studio London will not use any of your personal information that we hold nor share it with any third party unrelated to your booking. We will only use your provided email address and mobile number for the purposes of contacting you about your child’s lesson. If you would prefer to be taken off our mailing list, please let us know.